Decarbonization is the biggest challenge, but also the largest opportunity in the shipping industry. Currently shipping accounts for about 3% of the world’s yearly greenhouse gas emissions. The need to reduce GHG emissions in absolute terms is now urgent.

Our sustainability services are comprised of a four-step approach to help our customers reach their targets on reducing greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Our services are closely linked to IMO regulations covering the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and the Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER).

Our four-step approach includes an initial calculation of the whole fleet to create the awareness of its current condition. We work closely with the ship owner to find operational measures to make sure their assets are within constraints defined by regulations and corporate goals.

We take pride in the work we do, and we always do our outmost to find solutions, whether our work is based on calculations, awareness training, concept and feasibility studies, or classification design and technical project management.

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